2008-01-26 00:42:38 UTC
After a Master degree of my first love, a natural science subject
which I told myself that I'd never use to make a living since I wanted
to be in business, I ended up studying IT. After the recuperation
from illness that started during the study, I am getting no where with
IT job - as a female, I didn't aim at getting a job for a contract
less than 1 year when I was looking for any contract.
Now following the resolution I made last year summer to not pursue IT
career anymore, I am trying to enter sales and marketing arena.
Currently, I am being recruited by a sales and marketing company that
will train me. I still have to go through some more interviews/
preliminary screening.
Noting that my background is technical, I lack exposure in such
business arena but I am not a total geek. Having come from the family
background of business-oriented mindset though the economic system
back home was not advanced, I want to succeed in the business world
but I do not have. Would love to get into Pharmaceutical sales
eventually though I may change my mind if i get into something just as
BTW, is B2B considered outside sales? if not what are the
differences. What's the best way to build outside sales experience w/
o struggling to live on commission pay only?
Though good looking as a petite, as a non-white female (Asian), what
are my chances of making a decent career in Sales and Marketing?
which I told myself that I'd never use to make a living since I wanted
to be in business, I ended up studying IT. After the recuperation
from illness that started during the study, I am getting no where with
IT job - as a female, I didn't aim at getting a job for a contract
less than 1 year when I was looking for any contract.
Now following the resolution I made last year summer to not pursue IT
career anymore, I am trying to enter sales and marketing arena.
Currently, I am being recruited by a sales and marketing company that
will train me. I still have to go through some more interviews/
preliminary screening.
Noting that my background is technical, I lack exposure in such
business arena but I am not a total geek. Having come from the family
background of business-oriented mindset though the economic system
back home was not advanced, I want to succeed in the business world
but I do not have. Would love to get into Pharmaceutical sales
eventually though I may change my mind if i get into something just as
BTW, is B2B considered outside sales? if not what are the
differences. What's the best way to build outside sales experience w/
o struggling to live on commission pay only?
Though good looking as a petite, as a non-white female (Asian), what
are my chances of making a decent career in Sales and Marketing?